Welcome Community Partners!
Many nonprofit and faith-based community organizations find the Volunteer Resource Center's, Court Referred Community Service Program(CRCS) participants, a wonderful means to accomplish a variety of tasks, such as sorting donations, landscaping or data entry, just to name a few. CRCS volunteers help agencies complete tasks that could not otherwise be done due to staffing, time, or budgetary constraints. Many clients have continued to volunteer after the completion of their required hours or have secured full-time employment at their placements.
CRCS clients are generally first-time offenders who have committed low-level misdemeanors.
Volunteers are placed at agencies based on their availability and location during an intake appointment with the Center's CRCS Coordinator. Our team may follow up with the agency by fixing/emailing a time sheet and referral letter with the client's relevant information. Upon completing the hours, it is the volunteer client's responsibility to inform our agency so that s/he may request a completion letter from us.
How can your organization help?
By providing a placement site for our youth or adult to volunteer.
How does my organization become a placement site?
Our staff will connect with you to go over complete details and the required paperwork. Basically, your organization will be asked to:
Complete a job description describing what a volunteer would be doing
Meet with the volunteer when he/she is assigned to your agency. Explain the work responsibilities and procedures to them. The meeting would also be an opportunity to make the volunteer feel welcome
Provide supervision to the volunteer while working
Track the number of hours worked by the volunteer on the provided timesheets
and, return the completed time sheets to the IVVRC/SoCal Service Corps.
What if my organization cannot allow the youth to perform any of our organization’s job duties due to skill level, liability, confidentiality, or other issues?
In the job description, you may state any requirements or restrictions. Even if a youth may not be able to perform exact job functions just being with caring professionals in an environment where the youth can do supportive functions such as janitorial work will benefit the youth especially if the staff allows the youth observation time for various job positions and/or conversations about the various jobs. For example, a youth may be assigned to do janitor work at a garage but certainly could not work on vehicles but could be allowed to observe a mechanic fixing a vehicle or have a discussion with a mechanic about the requirements to become a mechanic, pay ranges, etc.
A youth could shadow organization staff instead of actually performing job functions. The CRCS would then require the youth to report on what they had learned.
How long will volunteers be assigned to our organization?
The time will vary according to their court order from the Judge. Time will range between 24-200 hours and the time period to complete the hours will also vary depending on the number of hours.
What if the volunteer isn’t a “match” for us?
Our Team will simply cancel the volunteer's placement with your organization and assign another volunteer to your organization.